~ A Series of Reduction of Duty Paid by U.S. Importers of Automotive Parts and Vehicles from Japan ~


There are a number of ways that vehicle and automotive parts companies can lower the duty that they pay for items imported into the United States. While these strategies have been in existence for many years, the use of these strategies has grown tremendously in recent years given the increase in taxes imposed on various goods imported into the United States (especially those manufactured in China).


U.S. Importers of Automotive Parts and Vehicles from Japan and Elsewhere Save Major Duties and Taxes using Strategic Manufacturing


Strategic Manufacturing


The assessment of duties on goods imported into the United States is dependent on a product’s country of origin as much as its classification. The more recent implementation of additional duties of between 7.5% and 25% on certain goods that are Made in China has meant that the country of origin of products imported into the United States has become increasingly relevant.

米国に輸入される製品に課せられる関税は、その関税分類のみならず、当該製品の原産国にも左右される。 最近では、中国原産の特定の製品に対して7.5%~25%の追加関税が課せられるようになったため、米国に輸入される製品の原産国はますます重要になっている。

Where vehicle and automotive parts companies are manufacturing a specific product in more than one country, ST&R can review manufacturing processes to determine the proper country of origin of that product. ST&R can advise companies as to what steps in the manufacturing process may confer origin to a product so that companies can strategically perform origin-conferring operations for a product in the country that provides the most favorable duty rate. In the case of goods being produced in part in China, it is imperative that companies understand whether the operations being performed in China are origin-conferring such that the finished product may be subject to additional duties of between 7.5% and 25% upon importation into the United States.





As an example, CBP has recently analyzed the proper country of origin of motors that were manufactured in multiple countries including China. Importers of those items were interested in understanding whether CBP would consider the country of origin of those motors to be China in which case additional duties of 25% would apply to the products at the time of importation. As recently as May of 2021, CBP has issued rulings in which it has found that rotors and stators are the dominant components of finished electric motors and has found that the origin of a motor was determined by the origin of the rotor and stator cores.




Those interested in understanding how to strategically manufacture their product to avoid the potential assessment of Section 301 duties of between 7.5% and 25% should contact TKAO at epa.info@tktc.co.jp or ST&R (Charles “Chuck” Crowley can be reached at (914) 433-6178 or ccrowley@strtrade.com and Mika M. McLafferty can be reached at (212) 549-0165 or mmclafferty@strtrade.com).


Sandler Travis & Rosenberg, P.A. (ST&R)
Charles “Chuck” Crowley
Tel: (914) 433-6178
Email: ccrowley@strtrade.com
Mika M. McLafferty
Tel: (212) 549-0165
Email: mmclafferty@strtrade.com

東京共同会計事務所 (TKAO)
所在地:〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内一丁目 4 番 1 号 丸の内永楽ビルディング 24 階
会社HP: https://www.tkao.com/index.html
Email: epa.info@tktc.co.jp

© 2021, Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A. Originally published in the Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg Trade Report, a daily e-newsletter covering the international trade agreements and global laws, regulations, policies and procedures that affect imports and exports worldwide. Reprinted by permission. Click here for a free subscription.

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